“Dante - an exile welcomed in Ravenna - wrote an opera for everyone. With this initiative, we can all create a work for Dante: the laurel wreath, which he desired until the end. A sign of welcome, respect and gratitude, today as in the past.”
Michele de Pascale - Mayor of the city of Ravenna
The art work is located in the wonderful frame of the hanging gardens of the Palazzo della Provincia in Ravenna, and it intends to reconstruct an ideal laurel wreath, an acknowledgment awaited by the Poet throughout his life and exile, part of which spent in Ravenna, the city that welcomes his remains.
It is a copper crown, two and a half meters in diameter, in which there are 1423 cracks - the number is for symbolic reference to the partitions of the Divine Comedy - in which the participants in the collective event will be able to insert as many leaves. In the central part there is a metal plate that shows, laser engraved, the real reproduction of the celestial vault, illuminated from below to recreate the Milky Way.
Das von Luisa Bocchietto entworfene Werk soll zwei Symbole zusammenbringen, den Lorbeer und die Sterne, die sich auf Dantes Wünsche beziehen:den irdischen Ehrgeiz, seine literarische Tätigkeit anerkannt zu sehen, und die Spannung der jenseitigen Erhebung zu einer höheren Welt, symbolisiert durch die Sterne, durch Glaube und Liebe.
Sie können Ihren Schlüsselanhänger kaufen online oder in Ravenna museum, und sich an dieser gemeinsamen Arbeit zu beteiligen.