giugno 02, 2017

Regenesi: made in Italy at the G7

The italian company which from a "waste" gives birth to a perfect marriage between sustainability, beauty and unique style.


G7 ENVIRONMENT CONFERENCE: REGENESI IS IN THE FRONT ROW. The Bolognese company that turns waste into beauty will be protagonist of a series of meetings as a model business based on sustainability, the circular economy and the green economy: these are the themes on the agenda of the G7 Environment Conference, which will run from 10 to 12 June in Bologna, Italy, turning it into the world capital of the environment. A golden opportunity for Regenesi, a company that since 2008 has transformed waste into beauty, to put the accent on the themes that it has always supported.


In fact, since 2008 the Bologna-based company has been dedicated to the regeneration of post-consumer materials, turning them into in fashion objects and accessories with innovative design and completely sustainable lifecycles. In the light of its mission, Regenesi is also able to propose itself as a partner for all those companies and institutions interested in carrying out Social Responsibility projects and who perceive eco-sustainability as a value.


# All4TheGreen is the title of the busy calendar of events organized by a conglomerate of Italian institutions and governmental agencies, which in June will make Bologna a true point of reference for everything concerning environmental issues. Maria Silvia Pazzi, CEO and founder of Regenesi will be present at many of these meetings to put the emphasis on the values ​​that come from the green economy, becoming a spokesperson for those environmental, economic and cultural concerns that her company, Regenesi, represents and will speak about the circular economy business model, one of the topics at the center of the G7 event. Two stands dedicated to Regenesi will also be present on Sunday 11 June, at BBS and MAST: official offices of the side events at the G7, dedicated to companies and academics.


"We believe in an affordable, regenerated and innovative luxury, because there is no antithesis between eco-sustainability and beauty. Regenesi is the concrete proof that a new economic mentality based on sustainability is not only possible but also necessary - comments Maria Silvia Pazzi - the example of a model of business that considers waste as a resource. But not only: Regenesi also partners with other brands, as a "facilitator" of such green transitions, supporting them in topics and processes related to this delicate passage ".


Here's where to find Regenesi among the scheduled appointments:

Tuesday 6 June - Sala Borsa, piazza Nettuno - h. 14.30-18.30: Maria Silvia Pazzi will present Regenesi as a case study within "GOING TO THE G7 MEETING: focus on taxation and environmental crime. " The conference, organized by Confindustria Emilia and from the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Bologna, aims to examine the topic between entrepreneurs and professionals. At the meeting will be the Minister of the Environment Gian Luca Galletti, the president of Confindustria Emilia, Alberto Vacchi, in addition to the president of the Order of chartered accountants of Bologna, Alessandro Bonazzi and the assessor of the budget of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Emma Petitti.


After the reports of important academic personalities (including Adriano Di Pietro, professor of tax law of the University of Bologna and Filippo Sgubbi, teacher at the Luiss University "Guido Carli" of Rome) Regenesi will be called upon to conclude the discussion, as an example of a virtuous company for its commitments undertaken in the area of environmental sustainability, alongside Toyota Material Handling Europe Lte Plant (Lift Truck Equipment).


Thursday 8 June - Ristorante Giardino, Budrio - h.20.00: Regenesi will be presented by its foundress during the meeting organized by Rotary Club Bologna Valle dell'Idice - District 2072 on the theme "Reduce, reuse, recycle: the new era of the economy ".


Saturday 10 June - Bologna Business School - 10 am-1pm-00pm: Maria Silvia Pazzi will be present at the workshop organized by UniBo and BBS on entrepreneurship in the area of ​​sustainability and the economy circular. The initiative aims to stimulate a broader reflection on conditions that foster the creation of entrepreneurial projects and the creation of new companies in the field of environmental sustainability, identifying the enabling factors for their growth and development.


After the institutional greetings, which will also host Francesco Ubertini, Rector of the University of Bologna, and Gian Luca Galletti, Minister of the Environment, the round table, coordinated by the journalist Barbara Carfagna, will see the presence of companies such as Electrolux and Intesa Sanpaolo.


For the complete program:


Monday, June 12 - Bologna Business School - 10.10am-1pm-00pm: Maria Silvia Pazzi will be present at the Focus Group "SMEs facing the challenge circular economy "organized by the University of Bologna and Bologna Business School as part of a research commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, on the occasion of the G7, with the aim of developing tools for

the dissemination of sustainability and the circular economy within SMEs; with focus starting from Emilia Romagna.

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