N.63 | Overshoot Day 2024: Italy Has Already Surpassed Its Limit on May 19

May 20, 2024

N.63 | Overshoot Day 2024: Italy Has Already Surpassed Its Limit on May 19

On May 19, 2024, Italy exhausted the natural resources that the planet can regenerate in a year. This event, known as Overshoot Day, marks the beginning of our ecological debt, where we consume resources intended for future generations. But what does this really mean for us, and what can we do to reverse this trend?

What is Overshoot Day?

Overshoot Day represents the moment when resource consumption exceeds the Earth's regenerative capacity for that year. For Italy, this day arrived on May 19, highlighting a severe imbalance between consumption and regenerative capacity. Last year, it was on May 15; certainly an improvement but too slow compared to the necessity to reverse the course.

Why is it Important?

The continual anticipation of Overshoot Day indicates increasing pressure on the planet's ecosystems. In Italy, with an ecological footprint of 4 global hectares (gha) per capita against a biocapacity of only 1 gha, we are living far beyond our ecological means. If everyone in the world consumed like Italians, we would need the resources of nearly three planets to sustain our lifestyle.

Excessive resource consumption has severe consequences, including biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, and increased CO2 emissions. This harms not only the environment but also our health and well-being. It is urgent to rethink our relationship with the planet and adopt more sustainable practices.

How Can We Reverse the Trend?

To reduce our impact, both various industrial policies and more conscious behaviors from everyone are necessary:

- Eat more consciously: Meat production is one of the main causes of deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing meat consumption can have a significant positive impact on the environment. Buying local and seasonal products reduces transport-related emissions and supports the local economy while also reducing food waste.
- Choose sustainable travel: Use bicycles, walk, or use public transport as much as possible. Carpooling is also a virtuous behavior.
- Use renewable energy and improve energy efficiency: Switching to renewable energy sources like solar or wind and improving the energy efficiency of our homes can significantly reduce our carbon emissions.
- Dress responsibly: The fashion industry is the 4th sector for carbon impact. From cotton cultivation to the intensive use of water and chemicals, to textile waste production, every phase significantly contributes to pollution and climate change. Additionally, fast fashion encourages overconsumption and waste, further exacerbating the problem. Promoting circular fashion is essential to reducing these impacts through practices of reducing, reusing, recycling, and sustainable innovation.

A Sustainable Future is Possible.

Overshoot Day reminds us of the urgency to act for a more sustainable future. Every small change helps to push this date further, reducing our impact on the planet and preserving resources for future generations. Living within natural limits is not a sacrifice but an opportunity to improve collective well-being and leave a non-impoverished Earth to the generations that follow.

At Regenesi, we believe in circular fashion, following the principle of the five "R's" - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Redesign, and Renew - which are fundamental for decreasing carbon impact. Reduce the consumption of new materials, Reuse existing garments, Recycle fabrics and accessories, Redesign items to extend their life, and Renew production processes to make them more sustainable.

Adopting these practices contributes to creating more responsible and environmentally friendly fashion. Since our inception, Regenesi has been transforming waste into resources, demonstrating that a circular economy is possible and beneficial for everyone. We invite everyone to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and beautiful world.