
n. 14 | the new budget law rewards the circular economy

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n. 14 | the new budget law rewards the circular economy

In this maneuver there is a big push towards  the circular economy  and the vision  of an increasingly multidisciplinary environment, which works  if it becomes  a vehicle  and not  a development constraint, collaborating with other ministries“, says the Minister of the Environment  Gian Luca Galletti about the new budget law 2018.

This law (law 205, paragraphs 96-99) introduces a specific facilitation in favor of companies that buy products made from materials derived from mixed plastics, coming from the separate collection of packaging in plastic or from the selection of residual urban waste, facilitating companies thanks to a tax credit equal to 36% of the expenses incurred and documented for purchases made in the years 2018, 2019 and 2020.

A unique innovation, which sees great advantages given to companies using these materials; the recycling of raw materials brings numerous advantages and benefits in environmental terms and, to encourage the use of recycled raw materials within a new production process, the State has decided to affix not indifferent tax relief, giving more importance to the circular economy concept.

In fact, environmental sustainability is becoming more and more part of people’s daily lives, increasing its presence even within business-related activities, where the environment becomes a real engine of growth. This law would then lead to follow those that are the principles on which the circular economy is based: reuse, recycling and recovery.

These are the key words around which to build a new paradigm of sustainability, innovation and competitiveness, in a scenario where waste is transformed from a problem into a resource, just like in the DesKoffiset Regenesi collection designed by the designer Giulio Iacchetti; a great example of how fridges and coffee cups are recycled to produce essential desk accessories.